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Title image of how to break a curse

Remember, your intention is the most important aspect of any spell. If you lack certain ingredients or resources, let this guide inspire you to craft your unique spellwork.

Understanding Curses

A curse is a form of negative energy that attaches to you, whether through intentional hexing, inherited family curses, or even your own attitudes. Regardless of its source, you can diminish and ultimately break its hold with intentional actions and rituals.

Tools You’ll Need


1. Cleansing Bath

The simplest way to begin breaking a curse is with a cleansing bath:

  1. Mix equal parts salt and olive oil to create a scrub. Optional: Infuse the olive oil with uncrossing herbs or oils (use skin-safe options).
  2. At dawn during a waning moon, take a bath using the salt scrub.
  3. Repeat the ritual for three, seven, or thirteen days—or until you feel the curse lifting.

This bath removes the energy attached to the curse, but it may not eliminate its source.

2. Using a Vessel

A vessel, such as an egg, can absorb the curse energy:

  1. Pass the egg over your body, starting at the head and moving downward in smooth motions.
  2. Speak prayers or incantations while doing so.
  3. Crack the egg into a bowl of water and examine its contents to gauge the process’s success.
  4. Dispose of the egg at a tree base or crossroads.
  5. Repeat this process as needed.

3. Dealing with Curse Objects

If you suspect the curse is tied to an object:

  1. Locate the item using tools like pendulums or astral projection.
  2. Bury, burn, or submerge the object in running water to sever its connection.
  3. For non-physical destruction, skilled practitioners can destroy the object’s astral counterpart.

4. Binding and Astral Cord Cutting

If you know the person who cursed you, consider a binding spell to neutralize their ability to harm you.

  1. On the astral plane, visualize cords connecting you to the person.
  2. Cut these cords using a knife or scissors—or untie knots in them.
  3. Follow up with another cleansing bath to ensure no residual energy remains.

Additional Considerations

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