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Cinnamon Abundance Spell

Before we go ahead, I would like to remind you that your intention is the most important thing within the spell. If you cannot find the correct ingredients or do not have the resources, then simply use this as guidance & inspiration for your own spell work. What it does: Turns you and your home into […]

Bay Leaf Money Spell

image example of Bay Leaf Money Spell

Before we go ahead, I would like to remind you that your intention is the most important thing within this Bay Leaf Money Spell. If you cannot find the correct ingredients or do not have the resources, then simply use this as guidance & inspiration for your own spell work. What it does: Helps you attract […]

Salt: How it’s Used in Magick & Why it is Important

image example of salt

The word “salt” often references fine crystals of sodium chloride, a common compound which is also present as halite. In chemistry, a salt references an ionic compound formed during the neutralizing reaction when an acid and base are combined. This article references the former. Salt is essential for life and has been used for food seasoning […]

What is a Talisman & How It’s Used in Magic

image example of talisman

A talisman is an object specially made and charged to embody a specific energy or force. It is then used to represent or attract the energy in a ritual or to attract or radiate that energy for the person who carries or wears it. Talismans in Rituals The word talisman derives from the Greek verb teleō (τελέω); […]

7 Powerful Beauty Spells That Actually Work

image example of beauty spell

Before we go ahead, I would like to remind you that your intention is the most important thing within the spell. If you cannot find the correct ingredients or do not have the resources, then simply use this as guidance & inspiration for your own spell work. Feeling beautiful today is a challenge, and it’s […]

Bless your Book of Shadows Using These 3 Potent Methods

image example of bless your book of shadows

Before we go ahead, I would like to remind you that your intention is the most important thing within the spell. If you cannot find the correct ingredients or do not have the resources, then simply use this as guidance & inspiration for your own spell work. Blessing your book of shadows is a fundamental […]

A Spell to Bring Joy to a Negative Person

image example of joy to a negative person

Before we go ahead, I would like to remind you that your intention is the most important thing within the spell. If you cannot find the correct ingredients or do not have the resources, then simply use this as guidance & inspiration for your own spell work. With the subject’s consent, this can make a […]

The Sacred Tree Grounding Meditation

Example image of meditation

This is an adaptation of a common grounding and centring meditation technique. It is meant to be done to prepare for spellwork or ritual. It would help if you could touch the ground with bare skin and if this is not possible, a natural object, such as a stone. Directions For Meditation Begin by relaxing. […]

How to Break a Curse

Example image of curse

Before we go ahead, I would like to remind you that your intention is the most important thing within the spell. If you cannot find the correct ingredients or do not have the resources, then simply use this as guidance & inspiration for your own spell work. A curse is a negative energy that has become attached […]

What is a Libation

Example image of Libation

Before we go ahead, I would like to remind you that your intention is the most important thing within the spell. If you cannot find the correct ingredients or do not have the resources, then simply use this as guidance & inspiration for your own spell work. Today we are taking a look at Libation. […]