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Identifying as a witch is the most powerful thing I have ever done for myself.

Identifying as a witch is the most powerful thing I have ever done for myself, let me tell you why… My spiritual belief started at an absolute big fat zero. My family identify themselves as atheists, meaning that they have no religious or spiritual beliefs. Although, I don’t think it has always been zero because […]

Hemp VS Cannabis VS Marijuana

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What is the different between Hemp VS Cannabis VS Marijuana? Is there really a difference? Cannabis is a plant in the botanical family Cannabaceae. This encompasses what we think of as the hemp plant, as well as what we think of as the marijuana plant. When we think industrial we think ‘hemp’ and when we […]

Water Soluble CBD – How does it work?

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The Importance of Water Soluble CBD When extracted from cannabis, CBD take an oil based form. It is hydrophobic like all oils, meaning it will not dissolve in water. CBD oil resists absorption into the bloodstream. Up to 96% of an oil based CBD product will be flushed from your system without ever taking any […]


CBD vs THC The CBD vs THC is a hot topic in the industry & yes believe it or not there is teams on both sides. But then there is also plenty of people sitting in the middle, loving each cannabinoid as much as the other. We have a chat about this in our podcast […]


Terpenes compounds found in the cannabis plant. The levels of the different compounds depends on the genetics of the plant itself. There are over 7,000 strains of cannabis which are always growing at a extraordinary rate. Consequently by the time you read this post, the figure is bound to be outdated. Terpenes Although, found in […]


Learn the ABC’s of CBD with this wonderful blog post published by our Team Leader; Sally Downing. You are guarenteed to have a fountain of knowledge after reading this blog post, as it is important to make an informed decision when it comes to CBD products. A: Anandamide Anandamide, also known as ‘the bliss molecule’ […]