Essential Oils for Stress
Essential Oils for Stress How can you use Essential Oils for stress? Aromatherapy is sometimes called Essential oil therapy. Preliminary research shows that aromatherapy can alter brain waves and behaviour and is proven to reduce the perception of stress, increase contentment and decrease levels of cortisol known as ‘the Stress hormone’ Using aromatherapy to relax, […]
Using crytals for Manifestation
Using crystals for Manifestation Need help Using crystals for Manifestation? The power to manifest our wildest dreams is in all of us. You may be seeking better health, a love interest, a job promotion, more money or maybe even something more specific, the possibilities are endless. The ability to manifest the things you desire involves […]
Using crystals for Mental Health
Using crystals for Mental Health Using crystals for Mantal Health doesn’t have to be hard because we all have mental health. Being mentally healthy means more than just the absence of mental illness. It means having a general sense of well-being and ability to cope with everyday challenges. Many people believe that harnessing the power […]
The benefits of Himalayan Salt Lamps
Benefits of Salt lamps What are the benefits of Himalayan Salt Lamps? The salt in these lamps comes from the Himalayas, a mountain range that stretches about 1,500 miles across Pakistan, India, Bhutan, and Nepal. True Himalayan salt lamps come from the Khewra Salt Mine in Pakistan. How Do Himalayan Salt Lamps Work? Advocates say […]